From Father Michael's Desk
Mark Clift Accepted into Permanent Diaconate Program
I wanted to share some joyful news: St. John the Baptist Parishioner Mark Clift has been studying in the Diocese of Buffalo’s Permanent Diaconate program. Mark and I were on hand when Bishop Michael Fisher celebrated the Rite of Admission to Candidacy as Deacon on Dec. 6, at St. Stanislaus Church.
Mark is a devoted St. John’s parishioner. He has served as president of the Parish Council, is an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, lector and server. With his wife, Lori-ann, Mark will go through the formation process. God willing, he will be ordained a permanent deacon in the spring of 2026.
Our parish has been blessed with the holy presence of permanent deacons for many years. Their service has inspired Mark to begin his journey to join them as a member of the clergy.
As a parish family, may we continue to keep Mark and Lori-ann in prayer as they respond to the service of God and the Church
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Michael
Bishop Fisher issues decree merging Blessed Sacrament Parish into St. John the Baptist Parish
Welcome to St. John the Baptist Parish!

Our Mission
St. John the Baptist is a Roman Catholic parish founded by St. John Neumann where God is loved and present in the liturgy, the sacraments and the community, faith is enriched through our teaching and experiencing the gospel, all are welcome in the spirit openness, and generosity and charity is extended through our ministry to all.
St. John Neumann Museum
The St. John Neumann Shrine Museum is open to the public. Anyone wishing to see our recently renovated Chapel or the St. John Neumann Archives Room can call the Rectory at 716-873-1122 to schedule a tour.
Our Parish Staff
- Rev. Michael Parker, Pastor
- Rev. Peter Ekanem, Parochial Vicar
- Rev. Martin Gallagher, Parochial Vicar
- Deacon Andrew Mical, Permanent Deacon
- Sr. Jolene Ellis, OSF, Pastoral Associate
- Cheryl Brinker, Director of Religious Education
- Anita Stockton, Parish Administrator
- Cheryl Brinker, Director of Music
- Bryan Mertz, Maintenance Manager
Contact Us
St. John the Baptist R.C. Church
1085 Englewood Avenue
Buffalo, NY 14223
Phone: 716-873-1122
Fax: 716-873-3305
Make Your Donation to St. John's Online
You can manage your giving to St. John the Baptist Parish ONLINE using a credit/debit card. It is easy and allows you to set up automatic recurring contributions. This will help your weekly offerings to continue on an uninterrupted basis when travel, illness, or other circumstances prevent you from attending Mass.
If you sign up for a recurring donation, your weekly envelope mailing will be canceled (saving us the cost of these mailings is one of the many benefits of joining this program.) However, this change process submitted to our Envelope Supplier may take up to two to four months to take place. Therefore, you may still receive envelopes sent to your home for several months until the mailing cancellation has been processed.
If you are planning to use this program periodically to select Non-Recurring, Special Collections, or Specific Donations, you will still receive parish envelope packets mailed to your home. If you no longer wish to receive the Envelope Packet Mailing to your home, please call the Rectory Office at 716-873-1122 to cancel your envelopes.
To get started, click here, then select Create Profile to the right.
Simply follow the on-screen instructions to create a profile and to schedule your contributions. Any questions, please contact the parish at
Thank you for your generous support!
Streamed Mass
Click HERE for St John the Baptist's YouTube Channel
Weekly Mass will "Go Live" Saturday at 4:00 PM on our YouTube Channel
Mass Times
12 Noon
Saturday Vigil:
4:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m., 11:00am
Tuesdays at 4:00 p.m.
Adoration in the Chapel:
Monday - Friday, 2 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Sunday Holy Hour in the Chapel:
3 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Rectory Office Hours
9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
(Rectory is closed for lunch between 12:00-1:00 p.m.)
We Are Called to Share of Ourselves
If you're looking to get involved in the parish, there are plenty of opportunities to volunteer within our wonderful community. Perhaps you'd like to join one of our many ministries and parish organizations? Or would you prefer to participate in the Mass? Helping hands are always needed.
Please click here for information regarding altar serving, Eucharistic ministry, choir, and ushering.
You may also navigate the above tab labeled Ministries/Volunteer for Parish Ministry Information.