Super Troop 104
Troop 104 is for all boys 11 to 17 years of age. There are many activities including camping trips, hikes, cycling, swimming, canoeing, athletics, and high adventure events. All are offered with excellent supervision and provide character-building and physical development. First aid and emergency skills are learned.
As one of the most active and fun-filled Boy Scout troops on the East Coast, Boy Scout Troop 104 is aptly nicknamed Super Troop 104. Led by 35-year veteran Scoutmaster Don Hourigan, Super Troop 104 offers young men a variety of challenging and enjoyable experiences: travel on the "Superbus" at least once a year to major cities on the East Coast and in the Midwest; participation in national Boy Scout jamborees; an impressive War of 1812 re-enactment with nearby Canadian Scouts; camping trips, hikes, bicycle outings, and numerous other educational and exciting adventures. Young Scouts enthusiastically learn to develop their abilities, fitness, resourcefulness, and leadership skills.
If you're looking for a great opportunity for fun, adventure, and learning skills that will last you a lifetime, join us at Super troop 104. Newcomers are always welcome. For more information click on the links or contact the scoutmaster.
Cub Pack 104
Pack 104 is available for boys 7 to 10 years of age and included family-oriented activities, athletics, tours, crafts, competition, camping and games. William Boy leads our Cub Scouts.