Here is a list of some of the many organizations at St. John's. We encourage our parishioners to be as involved as they can be. Every group is always open to new members. Please consider becoming involved today.
Organization Name |
Organization Head |
Phone Number |
Religious Education | Parochial Staff | 716-873-1122 |
Outreach | Tana Todaro | 716-873-2933 |
Music Ministry | Cheryl Brinker | 716-873-1122 ext 11 |
Youth Ministry | Nora Salemi | 716-873-1122 |
Parish Council | Mark Clift | 716-873-1122 |
Marriage Preparation | John/Lynne Manning | 716-873-1122 |
RCIA/Spiritual Life | Sr. Jolene Ellis | 716-873-1122 ext 15 |
Prayer Network | Joan LaDuca | 716-873-1122 |
Health Ministry | Sandy Diagostino | 716-873-1122 |
Respect Life/Adoration | Sharon Murphy | 716-873-1122 |
Social Justice | Sr. Jolene Ellis | 716-873-1122 ext 15 |
Holy Name | James Mertz | 716-873-1122 |
Neumann Guild | Renee Dikeman | 716-873-1122 |
Altar Servers/Ushers | Rectory Office | 716-873-1122 |
Ladies of Charity | Mary O'Shei | 716-873-1122 |
Prayer Shawl | Betty Zebrowski | 716-873-1122 |
SJPAA (Parish Athletics) | Steve Kamens | 716-873-1122 |
Boy Scouts | Don Hourigan | 716-873-1122 |
Girl Scouts | Jessica Sidor | 716-873-1122 |
Cub Scout Pack 104 | William Boy | 716-873-1122 |