Baptism imprints on the soul an indelible spiritual sign, the character
which consecrates the baptized person for Christian worship. (CCC 1280)
Baptisms at St. John's take place after the 11:00 am Mass on Sunday's (approx. 12:15 p.m.). They take place on most Sundays of the month unless there is a previously scheduled event at the church. Often, there are multiple families scheduled per ceremony.
The procedure for having a child baptized at St. John's is as follows:
- If this is your first child to be baptized in the Church, please call the rectory (716-873-1122) and register for a baptismal preparation class. These classes are held on the last Monday of each month (excluding December). The class begins at 7:00 PM
Please note: if the parents of the child are not parishioners of St. John's, the parents must acquire a permission letter from their registered parish. - Choose the sponsors: Godparents must be able to provide a letter of recommendation from their own parish, stating that they worship regularly and are eligible to be a godparent.
- Attend your scheduled baptismal preparation class.
- Submit all needed sponsor letters/data before calling the Rectory to select the date of the baptism.
- Schedule the baptismal date by calling the rectory office.
- Attend 11:00am Mass the date of the baptism, or meet in the church by 12:10 p.m.
Please note: It is an expectation of the community of faith at St. John's, that you regularly attend Mass and join, when possible, in other parish opportunities.
We welcome your child and pray that he/she will grow up healthy and filled with the knowledge of God's love!
- According to Canon Law (#872-874) a godparent must be at least 16 years of age and have received the sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist). He or she should lead a life of faith in harmony with the duty undertaken. The godparent may not be one of the parents of the person being baptized. Only one godparent is required for baptism and a maximum of two can be recorded in the baptismal record.
- In the presence of two godparents, please note that one must be male and one must be female. Both must be confirmed and active Catholics or one must be an active and confirmed Catholic while the other is a Christian Witness (A Christian Witness is a baptized Christian, who has never been Catholic, and who will witness to our shared life in Christ).
Questions? Please call the Rectory at 716-873-1122.